Notranjska offers endless cycling opportunities for occasional cyclists, serious recreational cyclists and professional athletes. In the shelter of the Notranjska forests you will find less busy routes for mountain and road bike. You choose cycling routes according to your wishes and goals and, of course, physical fitness. We will be happy to help you with this.
Here you will find some popular routes that differ in difficulty. From easy, medium to most demanding ones (click on the name to see the route). Distance in kilometers and elevation gain in meters.
- Babno Polje 30 km / 500 m (family route)
- Bloke Lake 30 km / 600 m (see the lake and swim)
- Cerknica lake with Slivnica mountain 48 km / 950 m (explore Cerknica lake)
- Iška 48 km / 950 m (dive into Iška canyon, cool down in summer heat)
- Mašun 62 km / 990 m (deep in the forest)
- Around mountain Snežnik 83 km / 1800 m (even deeper in the forest)
- Novi Kot and Loški Potok 45 km / 780 m (easy to start with)
- Rob - 60 km / 1200 m (with one very nice climb)
- Planina - 70 km / 885 m (fast)
- Rakitna in Golo 100 km / 2000 m (with lake on the way)
- Kolpa Valley 123 km / 2400 m* (most beautifull)
- Idrija and Žiri 135 km / 2100 m (fast but longer)
- Platak 180 / 3500 m* (suffer but beautifull)
* Cross the border. Do not forget to take identity document with you.
It is possible to shorten or extend the rountes and choose sections that are heavier or easier on the way. Ask us for advice.